
Projects, articles, notes and other technical musings from a DevOps focused developer

Installing Arch

A Personal Step-by-Step Note for The Rare Occasion

Thor K. Høgås

⏱ 4 minutes read. 📅 Published . ✎ Last updated .

This is a personal note and any attempts at following the steps herein should be pre-empted with a larger pinch of salt.

Anyone installing Arch should follow the community installation guide.

Over the years, I’ve installed Arch Linux on a multitude of different devices. These are some of the notes I’ve taken, with references to the community-based Arch Linux wiki, which will forever be a better detail-oriented reference than I could aspire to creating on my own.

A rough timeline is as follows:

  1. Setting up the environment in which you will install Arch
  2. Configuring partitioning and the likes of which
  3. Bootstrapping the install
  4. All those other things you have automated


Configuring encrypted boot

Something new1 I discovered is the ability to use a systemd-encrypt hook together with a systemd-vconsole hook for the boot sequence instead of udev and encrypt, with keymap as well.

Post-installation configuration

I tend to run SaltStack here, but I do it too late. Usually I do the following things manually, and a small part of me dies inside.

Optional: NetworkManager instead of netctl

User space applications

To my surprise, the following applications were missing from my installation, yet ever so present in my dotfiles requirements.

Alas, this must be remedied.

Interestingly, some other contenders that I didn’t think would be the case also showed up.

Furthermore, my cloud-synchronised storage folder was naturally not synchronised. This caused a great loss in terms of wallpapers.2

Later on, I discovered the missing applications by usage.

Not to mention packages missing of fonts!

Installing in VMware Workstation3

VMware specific

  1. To me, that is. ↩︎

  2. One may not see the wallpaper often, nay beyond the first login, but its lack is still of great pain. ↩︎

  3. In hindsight I regret using Workstation to begin with. There’s too much pain compared to a native install. ↩︎